When it comes to home lighting, it’s easy to overlook the importance of wall lights. However, wall lights can have a big impact on the look and functionality of your space. And one type of wall light that has gained popularity in recent years is the Swing Arm Wall Light. In this article, we will explore the versatility of Swing Arm Wall Lights in NZ and how they can elevate your home’s design and functionality.

What are Swing Arm Wall Lights?

Swing Arm Wall Lights are exactly what their name suggests – they are wall lights that come with adjustable arms that can be moved from side to side, allowing you to direct the light wherever you need it. They are often used as reading lights, bedside lamps, or accent lighting for artwork or decorative pieces.

Types of Swing Arm Wall Lights

There are a variety of Swing Arm Wall Lights available, ranging from vintage to modern styles, and in different materials such as brass, copper, and steel. They can be hardwired directly into the wall, or plugged in using a cord and plug arrangement.

Advantages of Using Swing Arm Wall Lights

Swing Arm Wall Lights offer several advantages over other types of lighting, which include:

  • Flexibility: The adjustable arm allows you to direct the light exactly where you need it, making them ideal for reading, studying or hobbies.
  • Space-Saving: Unlike table lamps or floor lamps, Swing Arm Wall Lights take up minimal space and can be positioned close to the wall, making them an excellent choice for small rooms.
  • Decorative: They can add a decorative touch to your room, and some models come with an adjustable shade, allowing you to control the direction of the light and create a pleasant ambiance.

How to Choose the Right Swing Arm Wall Light for Your Home?

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a Swing Arm Wall Light:


Consider the overall style of your home and select a Swing Arm Wall Light that complements it. If you have a modern home, then a sleek black or silver swivel arm wall light may be suitable. For a more traditional or vintage style, consider a brass or copper light with a matte finish.


Think about how you plan to use the light – for reading, as a bedside lamp, as accent lighting, or as task lighting. The function of the light will influence the size, shape, and brightness of the light you choose.


Decide if the light will be hardwired, or come with a cord and plug arrangement. Hardwiring will require an electrician’s installation, while a cord and plug arrangement allows for easy installation and mobility.

Swing Arm Wall Lights are a versatile and practical lighting solution that can add beauty and functionality to any home. Whether you want to use them as reading lights, bedside lamps, or decorative pieces, there are many styles available to match your home’s decor. Considering their flexibility, space-saving benefits, and decorative options, a Swing Arm Wall Light is an excellent investment for any homeowner.